Thank you for considering subscribing to Church Grants. The price for a one-year subscription is £49, for which you get unlimited access to the Church Grants database.
Our search engine has been designed specifically for Churches, and every funder on the database is one that we know from personal experience and direct research will fund Church projects.
How is Church Grants different to other search engines?
Church Grants is the only search engine to
- specifically list only funders relevant to all church denominations or Christian organisation
- categorise results by postcode or by the Church of England Diocese boundary lines
- have filtered, checked and verified all our results
- are constantly checking around 50 funders each week, so the data is always kept up to date
- are regularly adding new searching criteria such as 'funding for organ repairs', 'funding from US sources'.
With an annual subscription, you can search the database as many times as you like and your searches will be saved in your account area so that you can refer to the information again. It couldn't be easier to find the results you are looking for.
How does a search work?
- Simply select the type of project you are fundraising for : capital project or social and outreach work.
- Select your denomination and type your postcode into the form
- You have the option of viewing funders who are specifically interested in supporting projects in your local area or those with a national interest.
The search will give results tailored to your location, with full details about how to apply - and perhaps most importantly how much to apply for!
Why use Church Grants?
We believe that Church Grants is the best funding database for Churches, and we hope that you will agree. We would love for you to join the thousands of Churches across England and Wales who are already using Church Grants to access the information they need to fundraise successfully. The site has been built and designed by Christian fundraisers, so we know exactly the types of funders you are looking for. By using Church Grants it is going to
- Save you time wading through lists of list of irrelevant data and desk research
- Give you funders tailored to your church, project and location
- Give you access to other supporting resources strengthening your fundraising efforts
Our regular newsletter provides updates about forthcoming deadlines and new funders, as well as hints and tips to make your funding applications stand out from the crowd. If you have any questions that you would like us to answer before you subscribe, please email us at and we will be pleased to answer them.
Thank you from the Church Grants team.
Download our PDF explaining the history of Church Grants, and what we do.